Institute of Liturgical Studies, April 9 – 11, 2024

It is not too late to register for the Institute of Liturgical Studies (ILS) held at Valparaiso University, April 9 – 11. Kent and Rhoda will be leading a pre-meeting seminar on adult faith formation on Tuesday afternoon, April 9, 2024.

Here is the description of the three-hour seminar:

Adult Faith Formation: A Prophetic Challenge to Religious Consumerism

A consumer culture challenges the church on two fronts. From within, an “attractional” pattern for outreach has commodified the church and its message. From without, the marketplace is recognizing the spiritual void in our secular culture and is pitching its wares with promises to provide “a sense of identity, purpose, meaning, and community” (1).

We are convinced that robust adult faith formation practices and rich rituals are a prophetic challenge to these internal and external issues. This seminar will offer background material on adult faith formation, facilitate small group studies and discussions, and lead participants through experiential learning on ritual.

1. Hirsch, The Forgotten Ways, 131, 107.

For information about the full ILS conference, “Creation, Not Commodity: The Church’s Liturgy in a Consumer Culture,” April 9 – 11, click here.

From this page you can access the full schedule, descriptions of the plenaries and seminars (the same link), descriptions of the workshops, and lists of local accommodations and restaurants. Meals can also be purchased in the dining hall, conveniently located in the Harre Union, where the plenary sessions are held.

Registration cost is $325.00; for first-time attendees and retired people, registration is only $200.00. It’s a great deal!

The seminar costs an additional $75.00.

To register for the conference, click here.