It’s Not Too Late! We Are Still Accepting Registrations!

There is still room for more participants at our Visioning Lab “From Font to Table: Welcoming the Stranger into Christ and Congregational Life” to be held at Concordia University – St. Paul, Minnesota, from July 5 – 7 (Wednesday through Friday). If you missed the deadline but wish to attend, contact Rhoda Schuler at Because the online registration through Concordia Seminary is closed, you will need to bring a check for $140.00 made out to Concordia Seminary to the workshop.  We must hear from you by midnight, Sunday, July 2.

We have designed this “visioning lab” on adult faith formation to encourage pastors, commissioned ministers, and lay leaders to imagine how you might design an adult catechumenate process for your congregation and to give you structured time to plan the initial steps for introducing this process at your parish.

Affordable housing is available on the CSP campus. Contact Rhoda Schuler for details.

Click here for a full description and schedule of the event.

Photo: Baptismal font, Byzantine church at Petra, Jordan