Delight Rather Than Duty: Transformation of Congregational Culture

Slow Walking Series

This is the second (of three) video interviews with the Reverend Daniel Eggold, pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Lafayette, Indiana. A few weeks ago, Pastor Eggold talked about the three ways in which the adult faith formation process at Grace has transformed his preaching: his sermons are more intimately connected to the biblical text; the sermons connect the text to the vocations of the people of Grace; and his preaching has a greater emphasis on the corporate nature of the church and life of the church, rather than about the life of the individual Christian.

In this week’s video, Pastor Eggold discusses how Washed and Welcomed, as the adult catechumenate is called at Grace Lutheran, has transformed the culture of the congregation. As he says, “we do not need more members; we need more disciples.” Instead of merely handing over a box of offering envelopes to “new members,” new disciples are asked in what way God has gifted them to serve others in the world and at Grace congregation.

This video is five minutes long; you’ll want to watch through end so that you hear one of the best examples of a transformed congregational culture.  Reminder: You must be logged in Google to view it.