Announcing Pastoral Partners at the August Workshop

Treasures Old and New: A Workshop on Adult Faith Formation

What: A Continuing Education opportunity sponsored by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis

When: August 15 to 17, 2022

Where: Faith Lutheran Church, Huntsville, Texas

Cost: $140.00

Registration deadline:  August 1, 2022

We are pleased to announce that our workshop will include conversations via Zoom with several pastors who have developed strong models of adult faith formation in their congregations.

  • The Rev. Dr. Scott Bruzek (St. John Lutheran Church, Wheaton, Illinois) will share his insights on hospitality as a means to draw people into community.
  • The Rev. Dr. Dien Ashley Taylor (Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church, The Bronx, New York) will discuss the role of ritual in faith formation.
  • Dan Eggold (Grace Lutheran Church, Lafayette, Indiana) will review the process he is using to introduce a pattern of adult faith formation at Grace.

These conversations/presentations will be interspersed throughout the three days of the workshop along with in-person presentations by us (Drs. Burreson and Schuler) on topics relating to an adult catechumenate, plus small group studies and discussions, experiential learning on ritual, and structured time to formulate a plan for implementing an adult faith formation process in participants’ congregation.

To register for the workshop, click here:

Image: Baptismal font, St. John Lutheran Church, Wheaton, Illinois

Photo by Rhoda Schuler