Advent: A New Beginning for Those Seeking God and Community

In last week’s video excerpt Rev. Dr. Dien Ashley Taylor spoke about the anointing of the senses in the Rite of Acceptance as practiced at Redeemer Lutheran Church in The Bronx. In this excerpt from the same conference conversation, Pastor Taylor discusses other aspects of the Rite of Acceptance: The use of a recurring musical theme throughout all the rituals associated with the catechumenate; the role of sponsors in the rite; pastoral rationale for the simplicity of questions to and responses by those entering the catechumenate. It is a rite that involves the whole assembly, ritually enacting this core value of Redeemer’s catechumenal process—that making disciples is the task of the whole people of God.

This rite takes place on the first Sunday of Advent at Redeemer.  The excerpt opens with Pastor Taylor commenting on the unique way that the members of Redeemer mark each season and festival of the church year. We pray that the Church begins this new church year with hope in Jesus Christ, whose  coming into the world we anticipate, and with love for the whole cosmos.

Note: please log into your Google account to view the video.