“Could listen to those three brothers speak all day”

So wrote one participant on the evaluation form for the January Webinar, “Treasures Old and New: A Conference on Adult Faith Formation.” “Those three brothers” are the parish pastors whose expertise is the foundation for the conference attended by 46 people from 21 different LCMS districts, ranging from coast to coast and from the deep South to the upper Midwest.  Another participant captured well a central theme of the conference as expressed by the three pastors, saying they “showed me the great variety in the catechumenate process and [that] adaptation to context is key.”

Wednesday morning of the conference was devoted to the ritual aspect of adult faith formation, drawing on the experience Rev. Dr. Dien Ashley Taylor (Redeemer Lutheran, The Bronx) and on videos provided by his congregation. The fruits of that presentation were expressed by this comment from a participant: “It taught me that I need to embrace ritual more …”

Others spoke glowingly of Rev. Daniel Eggold’s presentation on catechumenal resources, saying “Loved, loved, loved this session.” Another reported that he had already ordered two of the resources Pastor Eggold had suggested and is “looking forward to … begin to implement [an adult faith formation] process here.”

Our heartfelt thanks to Pastor Eggold and “those three brothers”: Pastor Taylor of Redeemer Lutheran, Rev. Timothy Droegemueller of Living Faith Lutheran, Cumming, Georgia, and Rev. Dr. Scott Bruzek of St. John’s, Wheaton, Illinois, for sharing their wisdom and experience with the pastors, commissioned ministers, and laity who attended the conference.

This Quadrivium is working with us to plan the next event for June 2021. Stay tuned for details about this coming attraction!