Excerpt from Cyril of Jerusalem’s first Catechetical Lecture

Cyril served as bishop of Jerusalem in the late 4th century. It’s possible that the pilgrim Egeria heard his lectures.

  1. If any here is a slave of sin, let him promptly prepare himself through faith for the new birth into freedom and adoption; and having put off the miserable bondage of his sins, and taken on him the most blessed bondage of the Lord, so may he be counted worthy to inherit the kingdom of heavenPut off, by confession , the old man, which waxes corrupt after the lusts of deceit, that you may put on the new man, which is renewed according to knowledge of Him that created him. Get you the earnest of the Holy Spirit 2 Corinthians 1:22 through faith, that you may be able to be received into the everlasting habitationsLuke 16:9 Come for the mystical Seal, that you may be easily recognised by the Master; be numbered among the holy and spiritual flock of Christ, to be set apart on His right hand, and inherit the life prepared for you. For they to whom the rough garment of their sins still clings are found on the left hand, because they came not to the grace of God which is given through Christ at the new birth of Baptism: new birth I mean not of bodies, but the spiritual new birth of the soul. For our bodies are begotten by parents who are seen, but our souls are begotten anew through faithfor the Spirit blows where it lists John 3:8: and then, if you be found worthy, you may hear, Well done, good and faithful servant Matthew 25:21, when you are found to have no defilement of hypocrisy in your conscience.

This excerpt is from the website New Advent:


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